Home > All Products > Featured Subject > pre-World War I
There are 24 products in this department.

Pre-modern Historical and Military

1800s, Napoleonic, Regency and earlier figures

This room is an amalgam of pre-modern eras, including the US Civil War the Napoleonic Era, the "Wild West", and other eras back to about the 1400s. Look for Brown Art, DiD and other highly detailed figures and accessories, and other collectibles.

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Green Uniform Set for Napoleon - Napoleonic War - DiD 1/6 Scale Accessory Set Green Uniform Set for Napoleon - Napoleonic War - DiD 1/6 Scale Accessory Set Pre-Order

Our price: $75.99

Pre-order price: $73.99
Savings: $2.00
Free Shipping
Artillery Gunner of the Guard (Standard Version) - Napoleonic War - Brown Art 1/6 Scale Figure Artillery Gunner of the Guard (Standard Version) - Napoleonic War - Brown Art 1/6 Scale Figure Pre-Order

Our price: $219.99

Pre-order price: $213.99
$20 Non-Refundable Deposit
Savings: $6.00
Free Shipping
Artillery Gunner of the Guard (Simple Version) - Napoleonic War - Brown Art 1/6 Scale Figure Artillery Gunner of the Guard (Simple Version) - Napoleonic War - Brown Art 1/6 Scale Figure Pre-Order

Our price: $119.99

Pre-order price: $114.99
Savings: $5.00
Free Shipping
Officer of the Artillery of the Guard - Napoleonic - Brown Art 1/6 Scale Figure Officer of the Artillery of the Guard - Napoleonic - Brown Art 1/6 Scale Figure Pre-Order

Our price: $176.99

Pre-order price: $171.99
$20 Non-Refundable Deposit
Savings: $5.00
Free Shipping
The Last Fight - Bloodsport -  Infinite Statue The Last Fight - Bloodsport - Infinite Statue Wait List

Our price: $409.99
$50 Non-Refundable Deposit (not required for Wait List)